Well, come on now, we know why we’re gathered here…..or do we? Does your officiant or Celebrant know? Is he or she going to use language that makes you cringe? Retell stories that you’d rather not share with 200 of your nearest and dearest? (Danny and Marsha met online while they were chatting in the “Powertools are FUN!” chatroom…) Will there be scriptural references that you don’t feel are authentic? Will the vows really reflect the promises you are going to make to each other?
These are all things that are crucial to making your ceremony, well, YOUR ceremony. You should request to see the final (or at least first draft) of your ceremony script two weeks before the wedding date. This way, you have a chance to look through it, ask your officiant to edit or omit parts that don’t speak to you, and clarify elements like unity candles, sand ceremonies or readings. It can only make the ceremony more like you, which is the point anyway.
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