Now that I have your attention, I want to recommend a totally great way to spend an evening….with Carson Kressely, and his wonderful show, “How to Look Good Naked”. You can access the the past episodes through the link, and once you watch one episode, you’ll want to watch all of them.
Maybe nothing is more nerve wracking than the search for your wedding gown. There are a million choices, they are all expensive, and it is a once in a lifetime cameo for which you want to look your best. Add to this the flourescent lighting, three way mirrors, and the saddistic system of sizing (you know; you walk into the bridal salon a size 10, and you’re trying on size 20 wedding dresses…..) and what should be a total pleasure turns into a frustrating assault on your self esteem.
So watch this show; watch all of the episodes, over and over again. Kressely takes normal women, undresses them, teaches them how to love their bodies (all shapes and sizes) and yes, look good naked! It is a complete hoot, and I guarantee you’ll look at your body with new love and respect. And then you’ll go shopping!
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