You’re getting married. Cool beans.  Now you need to make plans for a multitude of vendors, situations, products, fashions, food and details that are mysterious, illusive,  and expensive. Not so cool.   The details can completely overwhelm you; even the resources to help you figure out  the details can overwhelm you!  On the traditional side, favorite bridal and lifestyle magazines present noteworthy trends and ideas as do newspaper bridal sections, columnists and books by wedding experts.  And there is always your mom, your sister, and the lady down the street who once coordinated the potluck extravaganza for the dedication of the church elevator. (No one died. Bonus.) 

But wait!  It’s 2009!  There is a much better way to sort this all out!  The Internet has proven to be a convenient way to gather information and resources to help with nuptial planning, and now you have an even cooler way to find out almost everything you need to know! (About the wedding that is; everything you need to know about your future spouse is up to you…)

 The answer to your wedding planning dilemmas is Podcasting !!!  Now, you  can download free audio content right onto  your Ipod or computer and get expert input (try saying that three times fast…) on any wedding subject you can imagine.  Wedding Podcast Network (WPN), an all wedding, all advice site created by Holli Ehrlich and Robert Allen, is going to help you figure it all out; and you can do it while you’re commuting, on the treadmill, or walking the dog.  Multi-tasking; the millenium bride and groom live by it!   New York City-based WPN ( creates a variety of
programming dedicated to sharing wedding planning advice via the Internet, to be downloaded
and listened to. “We wanted to establish an authoritative resource for brides and grooms-to-be
who are planning their wedding but have busy lives. ” explains Allen. 

They have several channels that speak to newlyweds, nearlyweds, mothers of the brides, and grooms, and their targeted advice is invaluable.  Concludes Robert Allen: “Discussion-formatted
podcasting allows couples to get information based on their preferences and schedule demands. Wedding Podcast Network is wedding talk radio to be heard when they want, where they want and how they want.”
Thus for countless love-struck couples–and with more than two million weddings being performed in America each year—cutting edge sources of nuptial advice, along with traditional media, should make planning for that big  day less of a daunting challenge, and more of the happy experience it should be.