Crunch Time!

I recently read that about 85% of brides say that they are planning to try and lose a few pounds and tone up so they look and feel their best on their wedding day and beyond. (And if the brides on Wedding Wire are any indication, this is a low estimate. As a wedding...

Searching for your Perfect Wedding?

You need stuff; a band, a dove release, a NJ wedding celebrant (smooth, eh?). Of course you’re going to go online to find these illusive and necessary element of your wedding day, but if you search through, a penny will go to your favorite...

Dinner with Friends

If you’re anything like me, one of the best parts of Thanksgiving dinner (well, besides the leftovers…) was getting to spend it with your family and friends.  Why should that only happen once a year?  It can  happen every day! There are so many creative...