Traditionally, today is a day filled with chocolate, jewelry, power tools (well, yes!), and love notes. It’s a day that I, as a wedding officiant(smooth, eh?) look forward too because I know that so many couples will get engaged, but it’s also a day that many of that make us feel all warm and fuzzy and cherished. How great would it be if we could get (or send) those notes every day? REALLY GREAT!
Kevin, aka “The Love Guy” can make that a real possibility. His wonderful site, Daily Love Notes is the perfect resource to help you share your love with friends and family across the miles by sending them them a poignant, heartfelt message on any day (or every day!) that you choose.
Kevin started the website in 2008, and his fond hope is that millions of people will use Daily Love Notes to transform the days of the people they love, sending virtual embraces across the miles! 
And Kevin is discovering an unexpected but delightful offshoot to his original concept; couples are contacting him to help him write their wedding vows! Happy Valentine’s Day, Kevin, and to all the couples you’ve helped find the words to express their deepest feelings!
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