My friend Erika, from Canine Celebration is partnering with Rescue Chocolate.  and what a sweet partnership it is!   Both causes s originated out of a dream to combine a love of one thing with a  passion for another. (And I’ve tasted the chocolate at our Valentines Day doggie wedding;  it is AMAZING!!!)

For Sarah, from Rescue Chocolate , it all started with a thumbnail image of a forlorn pit-bull. Her name was Mocha, and her photo had been posted online ( by her foster mom in a desperate act to find her a permanent home before the clock ran down to zero.

Mocha’s eyes stuck with Sarah. She flashed through that online posting once, twice, and then again. She kept going back to check on her, to see if by some miracle an angel had descended and adopted her. Those beautiful mocha-brown eyes could not leave Sarah’s heart or mind…. It took a while to track down the email address of her foster mom, but she did. Sarah just wanted to meet Mocha…no strings attached. She set up an appointment to meet Mocha near Central Park, with no strings attached (except a leash), but at first touch, Sarah felt an instant, profound connection. A bit later, they rode in a taxi together back to Brooklyn. And then, a few months later, Mocha had become part of the inspiration & dream that became Rescue Chocolate. mocha_rclogo_small_small.png
Sarah was savoring the last bite of a dark chocolate bar before heading out for her morning walk with Mocha. (yes, she eats chocolate in the morning!) She hit the sidewalk with her gorgeous best friend. Suddenly it occurred to her: why not put together my two loves: a scrumptious new dark chocolate line, and donating the profits of its sale to animals in need?

The idea for Rescue Chocolate was almost fully formed before Sarah & Mocha had returned from their walk that morning in December 2009!

No animals were harmed in the making of these products. Rescue Chocolate is always 100% vegan. Their chocolate is handcrafted in Brooklyn, NY and certified Kosher Parve. It is made in the finest Belgian tradition with top quality ingredients and no artificial preservatives.

Wedding favors anyone?